Trenton Lodge No. 8 was granted the authority to work under Dispensation on March 14, 1854, and the Charter was granted January 11, 1855, the Lodge being dedicated on January 16, 1855. The three officers who were appointed to work under Dispensation were: Harry Sanders, Worshipful Master, N. C. Alvord, Senior Warden, and James I. David, junior Warden. One of the peculiar things and certainly very interesting, is the fact that James I. David was not a Master Mason at the time of this appointment, but was made a Master Mason on March 24, 1854.
In 1866, a group of Brothers left Trenton Lodge #8 to form a new Lodge named Wyandotte Lodge #170.
In 2003, Wyandotte Lodge #170 consolidated back into Trenton Lodge #8 which then changed it's name to Trenton-Wyandotte Lodge #8.
Trenton-Wyandotte Lodge #8 has 10 Regular Meetings every year on the first Wednesday of January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, and December at 7 PM.
Masonic visitors are welcome during these meetings.